Thursday, November 26, 2015

Loom Knitting (part 1 of 2)

Also referred to as French knitting, reel knitting, spool knitting, box knitting, rake knitting, ring knitting, bung knitting, frame knitting etc.; loom knitting is an ancient art that has recently seen resurgence. Knitting, today is popular the world over. And the foray of knitting looms in the world of knitting has given all knitters a reason to smile.

Looms were used extensively in the medieval age in countries like Britain, France, Germany and many other places in Europe. People used the technique of loom knitting to knit bags, purses, tasseled caps, petticoats, shawls, hammocks, curtains, nets, petticoats etc. A popular belief is that guild apprentices knit carpets for their masters on frame boards i.e. knitting looms.

Knitting looms can be bifurcated in three basic types- the round loom, the rake and the knitting board. The round loom is not necessarily round. It could be a square, rectangle, an oval or even diamond-shaped. All pegs of this loom are required to be continuous without any specific starting or stopping point. The distance between the pegs of this loom determines its gauge. A lot of distance implies a lot of gauge.

There isn’t much difference between the round loom and the rake. However, the rake, second type of knitting loom, has continuous pegs which have a starting and a finishing point. Again, the gauge of the pegs in this loom is determined by the distance between them. Only flat knitting can be done on this type of knitting loom.

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