Saturday, December 5, 2015

Scleroderma And Elbow Pains (part 2 of 2)

How Does Scleroderma Develop In The Elbows?

Scleroderma can occur in most parts of the body such as the skin, the lungs, kidneys, stomach, esophagus, intestines, heart and the bones however, the elbows are some of the most affected parts when it comes to scleroderma involvement. The thickening of the tissues in the elbow will bring about limitations in its movement and as well as can be accompanied by pain. The cause of this, which are most likely calcium deposits can actually be seen and felt.

The elbows are quite sensitive and can be affected even in limited scleroderma, especially the tips of the elbows called the olecranon area. If a patient’s elbows are affected by scleroderma, this can lead to discomforting irritation and tenderness if pressure is applied on the elbows. Fortunately, this is very possible to be treated.

How Can This Be Treated?

There is no known treatment for all cases of scleroderma. The approach for treating scleroderma is patient-specific and is more focused on preventing further damage and on treating individual symptoms. As for cases with elbow involvement, this can be treated with tropical lubricants and emollients. But if ever the patient would develop side effects or if these medications would not work at all, the patient can avail of alternative medicine.

One of the known alternative medicines that have proven effective in treating this condition is Bagbalm, this of which you would only apply to the tender areas of the affected area. Bagbalm is available over the counter and does not require any medical prescription.

Scleroderma And Elbow Pains (part 1 of 2)


Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by having the antibodies attack their own tissues, which is contrary to their main purpose of protecting it. That in turn would cause the affected area to thicken and its functions to be limited. The more common form of scleroderma which is limited scleroderma or CREST would tend not to be fatal, although it can cripple a patient. The severe from of it which it systemic scleroderma is the more fatal type.

Scleroderma is quite rare as it only affects 14 out of every 1 million people worldwide. Scleroderma affects women more than it affects men and is usually develops within the ages 30 and 50. This illness is inherent in African-American women and the Native American Choctaw tribe. It rarely occurs in northern Asians and in children.

What Are The Causes Of Scleroderma?

As of now, there is no accurate cause of scleroderma although medical experts suspect some factors to cause it. One of those factors is genetics; they say that scleroderma is in the genes and those with genetic defects are more susceptible to the disease. Another is an unhealthy environment that could expose a patient to some factors that may cause it such as bacteria, viruses and similar factors. Hormones could also play a role as to why it happens to more women than it does on men.

Another theory made by medical experts is that the fetal matter that is left over after pregnancy that is still circulating in the mother’s system can cause scleroderma even after years of giving birth. This is why the most common category for patients with scleroderma are women between ages 30 and 50. While these theories may be reasonable and logical, none of these are proven yet and they still remain as theories.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Who’s At Risk of Suffering from Rapid Mood Swings? (part 2 of 2)

Simply put, other existing conditions could cause rapid mood swings to occur. Suffering from an illness could cause you to experience rapid mood swings. To get rid of mood swings, you’ll need to have your illness treated first. But this works both ways, too. If you are suffering from depression and rapid mood swings, making a conscious effort not to feel depressed could also make the treatment for your existing illness more effective.

Race, Culture, and Lifestyle
Demographic and social aspects of your life may also be contributory factors. In the United States, for instance, the nation’s health program offers inadequate treatments and solutions that are specifically designed for treating American citizens who belong to other races and minorities. Certainly, such treatments are available from private practices but they come at a higher price.

How you live your life and the relationships you have with other people can also increase or decrease the likelihood that you’re suffering from rapid mood swings. In general, however, you’re less likely to suffer from them if you are happy and contented and are surrounded by people who care for you.

Last but not the least, remember that money talks. The best way to know if you’re suffering from rapid mood swings is to have yourself checked out by a medical professional and do so regularly. But this will cost money and if you don’t have enough money then that could yet be another reason for you to suffer from rapid mood swings.

Who’s At Risk of Suffering from Rapid Mood Swings? (part 1 of 2)

Although studies have already successfully proven that there are two females suffering from rapid mood swings and depression for every male, this doesn’t mean that mood swings are an exclusive property of women. Unfortunately for the entire human population, gender, age, or even culture makes no difference as far as mood swings are concerned.

Yes, children do suffer from rapid mood swings, too. But the most important thing to be aware of perhaps is that rapid mood swings which have taken place in your adulthood may have its roots in childhood depression or a similar condition.

Researchers believe that childhood links are important in treating and preventing rapid mood swings and depression from taking place in a person’s adult years.

Elderly Persons
It’s true that depression, in which rapid mood swings are just one of its numerous symptoms, tend to be more common with older people, but evidence to support this is still somewhat lacking because of the difficulties in diagnosing it.

For one thing, adults, especially those in their advanced years, are capable of lying and denying reality. Whereas children are essentially honest and incapable of understanding the need for deception, adults are aware of the possible consequences of admitting to depression and rapid mood swings. If they think they’ll suffer from admitting to it then they could easily lie and do what they can to prevent anyone from making a correct diagnosis of their condition.

Of course, it could just as easily be the other way around and with elderly people simply not being aware that they are suffering from rapid mood swings. True, their unconscious may be aware of it but as long as they remain blind to what’s happening to them and they report nothing, it’s highly likely that their attending physician won’t even notice anything’s amiss with their patient.